
class scib_metrics.benchmark.BioConservation(isolated_labels=True, nmi_ari_cluster_labels_leiden=False, nmi_ari_cluster_labels_kmeans=True, silhouette_label=True, clisi_knn=True)[source]#

Specification of bio conservation metrics to run in the pipeline.

Metrics can be included using a boolean flag. Custom keyword args can be used by passing a dictionary here. Keyword args should not set data-related parameters, such as X or labels.

Attributes table#

Methods table#


BioConservation.clisi_knn: bool | dict[str, Any] = True#
BioConservation.isolated_labels: bool | dict[str, Any] = True#
BioConservation.nmi_ari_cluster_labels_kmeans: bool | dict[str, Any] = True#
BioConservation.nmi_ari_cluster_labels_leiden: bool | dict[str, Any] = False#
BioConservation.silhouette_label: bool | dict[str, Any] = True#
